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Just watched "I Saw the Devil"

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1Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Empty Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:10 am


Reincarnation of XenonMonkey

Meh. Fucked up shocking Korean revenge film. Just like every Korean movie I've seen so far. (Excluding Thirst)



2Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Empty Re: Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:22 am


Reincarnation of XenonMonkey

Even Thirst had some revenge in it.

Wtf is with Koreans and revenge

3Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Empty Re: Just watched "I Saw the Devil" Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:30 am


Reincarnation of XenonMonkey

Based on Korean movies I've seen so far.. I'd say they really like revenge, incest, and religion. Hm, sounds like Alabama.

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